Monday, November 30, 2020

UMASS - Concept Map + Lesson Plan

2020 is the year I chose to go back to school (University of Massachusetts Amherst) in order to earn a Master’s Degree in Art Education. Now, this might seem like an odd decision given the current restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, however it really worked out well for me because all of my courses were held online through programs like Zoom and Google Classroom (Google Drawing, Google Slide). Because I have never used these programs before and since all of my homework projects were art related I thought I would post some of them here.

The first assignment I've chosen to upload here is a mock lesson plan, concept map. Here was the assignment prompt:

"Write one lesson plan following the provided format and feel free to organize this format in your own way. 
First, work on the draft that emphasizes learning goals, “big ideas”, and the selection of materials and media; when brainstorming for your lesson plan refer to “Form+Theme+Context” article."



The next assignment was to create a concept map of everything I've learned in the Visual Arts and Human Development class.

Here was the assignment prompt:

"You will be creating a personalized visual concept map that synthesizes your understanding of what you’ve learned in class as an artist, educator, and professional."